York University
2001 TEL
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3
416.736.2100 ext. 33616

Concordia University
Department of
Communication Studies
7141 Sherbrooke W.,
L-CJ 3.329
Montreal, QC  H4B 1R6
514.848.2424, ext. 2535


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Active Radio - A New Issue of Wi Coming Soon!

Added by MML

While wireless technologies have continued to proliferate throughout the 20th and 21st century, radio as a concept is most often associated with the act of tuning into a radio broadcast. But what is the state of radio as an active force within sound art and the history of electronic sound recording?

"Active Radio," guest edited by Owen Chapman at Concordia University, highlights the mobile practices associated with the Theremin, Ondes Martenot, Portastudio and the transistor radio. The authors not only work at filling in the historical record, they do so by situating these technologies within contemporary sound art practices through ethnography, participant observation and the integration of creative audio works.

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