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WI Goes to Brazil

Added by MML

Kim Sawchuk travelled to Sao Paulo, Brazil Jan 28 - Feb 14, 2009 to work on the forthcoming issue of WI, which is being guest-edited by Fabio Josgrilberg (Methodista University, Sao Paulo) and André Lemos (University of Bahia, Salvador). Meetings were held with Dr. Josrilberg, a member of WI's editorial board, as well as other key protagonists in the digital arts and culture scene including Paulo Hartmann (mobilefest) and Daniela Bousso (Museum of Image and Sound). A highlight of the trip included a visit to the exhibition "Repeat All" at MIS curated by Sigismond de Vajay.


Rua Helena 280, 1107, 04552-050, Sao Paulo, Brazil

Museum of Image & Sound (MIS)
Avenida Europa, 158 Jarin Europa, 01449-000, Sao Paulo, Brazil
