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Call for Abstracts - After Mobile Media - DAC09

Added by MML

After Mobile Media invites artists, software developers, inventors and theorists to share their ideas on future mobile media. Which new forms of presence and communicational flows are mobile media creating? How do we proceed from here? Is qualitative change possible and if so, what is required to enable it ? Bold projects that explore aesthetics, ecologies, technologies, geo-politics and practices of mobile media and all forms of wireless technologies on all scales are welcome. In addition to exciting experiments and artworks on alternative mobile and networked media, we seek examples of local case studies, theoretical work on mobility and innovative evaluation strategies.

May1 is the deadline for abstracts (paper proposals) for DAC09. Please go to www.dac09.uci.edu to review conference themes and submit proposals online.


Kim Sawchuk, Associate Professor Department of Communication Studies, Concordia University. Co-founder and editor of wi: journal of mobile media. Director: Mobile Media Lab, Montreal. <kim.sawchuk@sympatico.ca>

Marc Böhlen, Associate Professor, Media Study, SUNY Buffalo. Director: MediaRobotics Lab. <marcbohlen@acm.org>