York University
2001 TEL
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3
416.736.2100 ext. 33616

Concordia University
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7141 Sherbrooke W.,
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Montreal, QC  H4B 1R6
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Sleepwalking Kuala Lumpur <==> Montreal

Added by Antonia H.

On April 19th artist-researcher Andra McCartney and sound artist Kathy Kennedy (Montreal) will join visiting artist Siew-wai Kok (Kuala Lumpur) in a performance and presentation of their recent collaboration Sleepwalking Kuala Lumpur <==> Montreal. In 2010 McCartney travelled to Kuala Lumpur where she and Kok met and performed together, and McCartney led a soundwalk with Kok Siew Wai's class. For the second chapter of this project the artists will continue their walking experiences here in Montreal. The collaboration will culminate in a presentation and discussion about the project.

The evening will open with short presentations by Montreal-based sounds artists Sam Thulin and Lisa Gasior. Thulin will share excerpts of his work "There to Hear: Placing Mobile Music," an exploration of public transportation and mobile music in Montreal.and Gasior will present her MA thesis project, Sounding Griffintown.
for more information, visit mobilemediagallery.org