Global Smartphone Study by MobiTrack Innovations
Researchers Barbara Crow, and Catherine Middleton launch Canada’s participation in an international study measuring how people use their smartphones.
Research Collaborators: Barbara Crow (York University), Catherine Middleton (Ryerson University)
Dr. Hannu Verkasalo from MobiTrack Innovations Inc. has invited Barbara Crow and Catherine Middleton to serve as the Canadian research leads on MobiTrack audience measurements. The Global Smartphone Study is an initiative to establish audience measurement panels for academic purposes throughout the world. Currently, participating universities in Europe, North America and Japan are launching an international network to initiate panels with smartphone users. In 2010, panels will be launched in a total of five new countries and the study’s goal is to launch panels in 10-15 new countries. The goal of the project is not only to collect data, but also to explore how it can be used in understanding issues related to mobile application adoption such as smartphone usage, user satisfaction, and the impact of pricing. The platform for measurements is provided by MobiTrack Innovations, a Finland-based company specialized in mobile audience measurements. MobiTrack Innovations is closely collaborating with the top universities of the world. Knowledge Repository