York University
2001 TEL
4700 Keele Street
Toronto, ON  M3J 1P3
416.736.2100 ext. 33616

Concordia University
Department of
Communication Studies
7141 Sherbrooke W.,
L-CJ 3.329
Montreal, QC  H4B 1R6
514.848.2424, ext. 2535


Lab directors


Research assistants

Research assistants

Mél Hogan

Mél Hogan

Research Assistant

Mél Hogan is a doctoral student in the Joint PhD in Communication at Concordia University, Montréal. Her community work and academic writing converge on issues digital value, preservation, and online video distribution. She is the curator-in-chief of nomorepotlucks.org, works with Dr. Kim Sawchuk on Illustrating Medicine (http://www.illustratingmedicine.net/), and makes haiku-videos for 52 pick-up (http://www.52pickupvideos.com/). She also writes for Art Threat from time to time (http://artthreat.net). Her current video work is made specifically for web display and mobile devices.